circles Restaurants

If it happens that you do not want to cook once during your stay in Leeuwarden, there is always the possibility to go out for dinner. We want to provide you with a couple of options of ‘cheap’ option for having dinner.

Restaurant de Yserman
Located at de Grote Hoogstraat
At this restaurant you can choose between fish, meat or vegetarian options. The menu of the day is only 8,75 and there is a discount for students.

Pizzeria Sardegna
Located at de Grote Hoogstraat
This is a pizzeria, with a very good selection of fine pizza’s

Restaurant Double B
Located at de Weerd
This restaurant gives people the opportunity to create their own burgers. Different buns, meat and garnish is possible. Furthermore, they also have beertowers, so what is not to like?

Ofcourse there are also options for ordering food online. A website that is much used and has an english translation is the only thing you need for this is a working internet connection and your postalcode.